Jonathan Internicola

I’m here to help you...


For a taste of what I’ve been working on in my career, tap one of the following projects.


Here are some of the specific services I can assist you with:

Research-Driven Product Development

Understanding your users and helping you address their needs with innovative offerings is my core service. To achieve this, I employ a heavily data-driven process. Whether you want to learn who your users are, project the relative impact of a feature, or run a pilot to test something new, my methods can help you find the research strategy necessary to build something your customers truly love.

Putting Humans At The Center of Your Business

The humans behind your business — both those that consume and produce your offerings — are absolutely vital to your sustainability. I can help you shift to a human perspective, figure out the right staffing model, manage your resources, or utilize other procedures to refocus your business on what matters most.

Implementing Your Vision

No matter where you are in your journey, I can help you reach the next stage. From the early phases of developing your business model and obtaining funding, to working with developers and beyond, I'll work with you every step of the way to make your dream a reality.


My process is largely influenced by the founding principles of agile and human-centered design: dream big, test small, scale incrementally, learn, improve. Here are the core pillars of my process:

Think Holistic and Human-Centered


Deeply understand the needs of all stakeholders impacted by your system. Understanding the needs of your users, staff and others impacted further downstream will allow you to implement sustainable solutions.

Always Test Before Implementing


Before implementing, always use cost-effective pilots and prototypes to gauge feedback before scaling. Implementation is expensive regardless of the medium. This method could help you avoid excessive costs.

Dream, Test, Scale, Evaluate, Repeat!


Dream big but implement small. When you're ready to implement something new, test a small part of it before implementing it. Once you think you have it right, scale it. Finally, test it to discern whether it serves the intended purpose. If not, learn from it and use that to inform your next delivery. An approach like this saves costs and minimizes waste.


Interested? Learn more about who I am and my journey through the What I do and Background sections on my about and resume page!
